
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Re: Investment proposal

Good day,

I'm glad we can connect here,I reviewed your reputable profile
which gives me the intuition that you will be a potential
business partner,Our investors are exploring all possibilities to
initiate change on a massive scale of investment opportunities,
We offer personal, business, loans at a fixed interest rate of 2%
per annum.

If your company has credible projects in need of funding or an
established business in need of expansion,we are capable.


Howard Ethan
Financial Advisor

Monday, December 11, 2023

Re: Collaboration Opportunity

Good day, I'm glad we can connect here, I'm Philip Roger, a research assistant of the research and development department working with med pharmaceutical laboratories UK, One of the leading bio pharmaceutical companies here in England.I am looking for a reliable businessman/individual in your region to represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products. This may not be your area of specialization but it will be another income generating business within your capacity.This is because our company is yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been able to discover a local dealer/producer who can supply us with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate, which is far more cheaper than our previous purchases. Now THIS IS MY PROPOSAL TO YO: I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for this is because I don't want my company to have direct contact with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very cheap. This will enable us to work together as partners and make real cool profits. You as the local seller will supply to our company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and this will attract the attention of our company director who would love to purchase from you as against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit. Hence i will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you if you are interested. Regards, Philip Roger Executive Administrator.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daddy Gotta Fix It

The moment that made up for my toddler being a brat most of the day.

I'm changing Jellybean in to dry clothes after the pool when he says he needs to go potty. So we walk over and he's standing there trying to do his thing.

He looks at me and says "My peepee won't come out. My penis is broken."

Through the tears, I say "Oh yeah, what do we do?"

He looks at me seriously, nodding and answers "Daddy gotta fix it!"

At that point I lose it to hysterical laughter and almost drop Jujube.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Oh..hey there

So I kind of left you guys hanging,

I told you about giving birth to this beautiful boy -

and then I fell off the bloggy world.

Well I had a rough go of it. I actually had my uterus rupture during my VBAC attempt. So my OB initially said - "No More Babies." I disagreed - more on that later.

If that wasn't enough - I was back in the hospital a week later. My gall bladder shut down on me and I had more surgery to get that out.

I stayed with my parents for two weeks recovering. It was brutal. Since then - life has just been busy. Play dates, splash pads, camping and such. I figured out I'm really good at this SAHM thing. I haven't missed work at all. So our plan is to have me go back just until we've paid off our debt and established some savings. Then I'll be mom - full time. To both my boys.

Next month I meet with the perinatologist to review my case. I think my odds are pretty good for future pregnancies. And we want more.

I love being a mom to two even if Jellybean drives me crazy with his toddler antics. He is a total parrot now and cracks us up with the things he'll say. Jujube amazes us. He's rolling over already! Nurses like a champ. Hates the car seat and the baby gym.

Jellybean adores Jujube and needs to know where he is as soon as he wakes up.

And me - I'm tired, sleep deprived, broke - and loving every second of it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Meet Jujube

7lb 2.2oz, 19 inches 4:58 am

Tried a Vbac in the OR since I went from 5cm to 10 in less then an hour but ended up with a csection due to decels and uterine bleeding.

He's perfect! Already nursing like a champ!

Show Time!

We think its Show time! My Mom and Dad are at the house w/Jellybean. Pretty sure my water broke and contractions are about every six-seven minutes apart. If its not a false alarm then Jujube decided my half birthday was a good day to be born!


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