
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This is what happens

You see that HUGE gap since I posted last?


This is what happens when your step son comes down for the summer.


When your work load increase and you try to cram a year’s worth of activities into 5 weeks.


When you still have a ridiculously active toddler to take care of too.


We have been to the mall, to the children’s museum, and the aquarium. I owe you posts with pictures on those.


Something got in our chicken coop and killed all but one of our chickens. The dog got out. The neighbor who was caring for all of them was worried sick. Luckily the dog was with our other neighbor who saw him and took him in for the day. Where he had a ball playing with a miniature Chihuahua. Yup, my ferocious pitbull.


Cadillac still hates Chevy.


Jellybean had his 18 month well baby visit. He’s still tiny 30 inches and 20lbs 6.5 oz but growing well along HIS curve. Which the pediatrician noted would have been a normal child’s curve 30 years ago – before our country got obese and they adjusted the curves to account for that. Developmentally he is ahead an average of six months on milestones. His vocabulary is ridiculous – around 70 words already. He drinks out of a regular cup. Tries to actually play baseball. (No joke, I was holding a ball yesterday and he came up with a bat and repeatedly tried to hit it until he got it!) The pediatrician even commented on how smart he is. I’m proud. Really proud. Not that I made him this way – I just haven’t stopped him from trying.


One night, when I’m not too tired from laying down with the Jellybean and have all my chores done I will update everything else too. Then I’ll comment on all of your blogs rather than just reading them on my phone and intending to come back.


Wishing all of you a very happy 4th of July in the meantime!


The Suburban Princess said...

I'm right there with you on the lack of posts (and comments) recently.

Life just gets too busy! :)

Adrienne said...

Glad to check in and see you're doing well. Busy, but living, right? :)


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