
Friday, May 28, 2010

I am a flippen genius!

So I shared with you yesterday about how my camera decided to crap out on me. Needless to say I was not a happy camper about that. I was even less happy when I found out that it only had a 90 day warranty on it. Thanks Wal-Mart, Thanks! So I figured I was going to have to shell out another $100 for a new camera and that was that. Before I went ahead and charged up the credit card I decided to consult my answer to everything - Google to see if Dr. Google could fix it. I browsed through 18,347 useless sites and finally came across the simplest advice ever. Take the batteries and memory card out, let it sit over night so it resets and then put everything back in. I took a deep breath this morning and hit the power button! PRAISE JESUS - IT WORKS!! That my friends is why I am a flippen genius. $100 saved and I still have a better camera than the hubby! :)

Speaking of the hubby, he finally fixed his car last night so that meant that today was the first morning I could sleep in. I guess I was ridiculously excited about the idea of sleeping in since I celebrated by waking up at 4:30am instead. At 5 I finally got out of bed since I realized I was not going to fall back asleep. So, laundry is folded and somewhat put away, the bunny has been moved back to his outdoor cage for the day, I'm caught up on the news and I will probably crash by 7pm.

I also learned an important lesson last night - NEVER take the hubby grocery shopping with you. More importantly - NEVER let him have control of the cart. My freezer is now an intricate arrangement that an architect would be proud of. My pantry has spilled over into the cupboards and my checking account is writhing in pain. Yeah - it was that bad.

Remember that BIG NEWS I promised you? Can you make it until tomorrow night? I hope so because it is coming!!


heavenisabookstore said...

Glad to hear about your camera. It's odd about the warrant bc usually its one year. As for grocery shopping, I am my own worst enemy. All food looks good at the grocery store, especially when I shop at the healthy food store.

Nike Athena said...

Yay! It's always nice when you're able to fix something yourself, especially something that was a bit of an investment to begin with. I'll sit tight and anxiously await your news...

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome that you were able to fix it yourself!!


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