
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

PYHO - Cleaning My Plate

As I mentioned on Monday, we started Jellybean in baby gymnastics. I'm going to talk some more about that tomorrow in Things I LoveThursday but so far we really love it. The only thing about it though is that in order for me to take him to the free plays they offer I have had to adjust my work schedule. More often than not I am working later so I can take a two hour lunch on Fridays. That makes for some huge time constraints at home.

I may not walk in the door until 5:45. I like to have Jellybean in bed no later than 8pm.

In between there is dinners to cook for the hubby, me and Jellybean, bathtime and if I'm super lucky a few chores get tackled. Half the time I am doing all that solo because Joey is working late.

So if you guys hadn't noticed - I decided to clean my plate some.

I love blogging - the actual act of writing along with reading all of your entries and sharing feedback. It’s a great release for me. The problem is when I don't get a chance to sit down until 9pm, I don't have the mental capacity to read or write anything. My blog, twitter, facebook - they are all luxuries, not necessities so I had to give myself permission to not be a part of it when I don't have the time to sacrifice for it. I had to remind myself that I do work two full time jobs - one to pay the bills and the other to be the best mom in the world to Jellybean. That means that there may be weeks where I don't get on the computer at all. I might not read a single blog, tweet or anything. My house may also be in shambles if the hubby worked late all week.

We are still finding our way in this world of parenting. It seems like every time you figure it out - something changes. I know most mom's are dealing with back to school right now so they are in the same boat. There are some little steps I've taken that seem to be helping. I joined E-mealz and what a lifesaver that has been! I love having my meals decided for me! Meal planning was something that fell by the wayside when Jellybean came along. I tried but I just couldn't keep up with it. For anyone that hasn't joined E-mealz - do it now - I swear it's the best thing ever. Use coupon code Dave and you'll only pay $12.50 for three months! We have loved trying new recipes too since you often fall into a rut with meals - at least in our house. I also stopped trying to be Super Mom and make all of Jellybean's meals myself. Babies R Us had a huge sale on Earth's Best Organic Baby Food - so I stocked up. If I need an easy night, I am not a failure for pulling out a jar. Jellybean is just happy to eat. He doesn't care if I cooked it or not.

So while I may not be the best blogger or internet friend any more - I do have a lot on my plate and the number one priority is thriving. My preemie is almost 8 months old and right now he is developmentally ahead in every area. By nine months, I am pretty sure he will be walking. That scares the bejeezus out of me! He is a happy, smiley, full of joy kind of kid. He is still breastfeeding and usually refusing bottles. He is so smart that we have to hide things from him regularly. You show that kid how a toy works once and he has it figured out. So my plate it is full but I am so fulfilled!

I miss all of you, I really do. So far though - I haven't heard Jellybean complain so I must be doing something right.

This post is linked up with Shell as part of Pour Your Heart Out Wednesdays.


krystal said...

It's okay to acknowledge you're too busy for the internet. You're right - it IS a luxury. :) Glad things are going well. We did EMealz too. Love love love. Now I don't have to worry about stopping at the grocery to buy something on the way home and Scott has stepped up to help too.:) Easy peasy!

Tara R. said...

Family is always first priority. Enjoy time with your peeps. The Internet isn't going anywhere.

Natalie said...

Hey girl it's hard to balance everything...and as Tara said family first...blogging/internet will always be there so no worries!

Sandra said...

First of all, I LOVE e-mealz. It seriously has saved us. :) It's so helpful, too, during the business of school and drop offs and pick ups and extra curricular activities. With that said, I also get what you're saying about the "luxuries" of FB and blogging. I think it's good that you know when you need to cut some of that stuff out for a bit. Some people won't do that (not me, of course! Ha!) and end up with their priorities mixed up.

Thanks for pouring your heart out! Enjoy your sweet time with your baby. :)

Shell said...

Real life has to come before blogging. I love blogging, but I can't ignore my family to do it.

Which is why it's 6:30 and I'm just now going through the PYHO links. And I'm behind on other blogging things, too... but I'd rather be behind on blogging than on doing things that my kids need me to do.

I think most bloggers understand this, too.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Exactly. This is a great way to connect, to feel involved, to meet and develop new friendships, but never at the cost of family!

Big D and Me said...

I think as a mom you have to give yourself a break - baby is a job, your job is a job, blogging is a job - we can't do everything very well and the thing we want to do best is our kids -

Anonymous said...

Stopping by via Pour Your Heart Out. You are doing great! All that you are investing in your preemie is obviously paying off. Blogging certainly pales in comparison, so never feel like you need to apologize for not keeping up! :)


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