
Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Whole Lot of Nothing

I had BIG plans to get a lot done this weekend. You know what they say about the best laid plans. Yea....so here's a recap of what did and didn't get done.

1) We made it to the Habitat for Humanity Restore where I bought the tile to finish our guest bath and caulk for $10 - compared to the 80 it would have cost at Lowe's. We're going back next weekend to get new sliding glass doors, closet doors and doors for the screen porch we're building.

2) We bought groceries and I didn't overspend for once. Of course, then I had to buy pet food so there went another $50! I also managed to make my mom's potato pancakes and they turned out delicious for the first time. Made breakfast and ended up with a bunch of waffles to freeze. Score breakfast for the week!

3) Celebrated that my boss was finally let go on Friday and I am actually excited to go to work tomorrow for the first time in almost two years.

4) Started some laundry and washed dishes while watching the Cover Girl Gymnastics Classic online.

5) Finally exchanged that sports bra that didn't fit me, bought a skirt and a few other things that will last me through my pregnancy and returned the eye shadow that caused this allergic reaction on my eye -

6) Made lunch and hung out with my parents and then got sucked into this spot on the couch that I can't seem to move from. Here is what the rest of the household is doing -




So, technically I am the most productive one right now.

Now for things that didn't get done.
1) All my junk is still not in the attic. That means that the carpets also did not get shampooed. Crap.
2) The dog still hasn't figured out we poop outside. I'm tired of cleaning up shit!
3) I didn't buy paint, rollers, dropcloths, etc to paint the baby room.
4) I haven't put clean sheets on the bed or done my laundry. I'll break down at some point tonight since I love clean sheets.
5) Didn't make it to the bank yet either. Shoot.
6) Still waiting on Joey (aka Sleeping Beauty) to clean the litter box so I can sweep and mop.
7) Didn't kill Joey when I said - "I need a maid!" and he responded with "We already have one - you!"

Now I will close with some things I have been pondering -
1) Why doesn't anyone tell you that when they say your hair grows longer and faster during pregnancy they meant that all the way around and not just on your head? I have never plucked, tweezed, and shaved this much in my life!
2) How is it possible for my belly to pop that much in 3 days. Remember Thursday's picture? Well somehow - today I have this poking out!!


Hello - Jellybean - you are only 3" big - how is this possible?? How much room do you really need right now?
3) How many days do you think it will take Joey to actually put away all the clothes he washed? Or will he just pull them all out of the laundry basket until he runs out?

Hope the rest of you are enjoying a lazy day too!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A smorgasboard of sorts...

I thought I would be really ambitious and try to cram everything into this one wee little post. (or not so little - you get the idea) So it's a Friday Follow/Five Question Friday/Preggo update all in one. Also in case you missed it or need some time to weed out some good ones you can still link up with Texting Thursday. I just started it so if you don't have any ideas for this week just keep me in mind for next week.

First off to those visiting from Friday Follow or ICLW - Hello! Welcome! So glad you stopped by! I'm Di - 27, sarcastic, able to laugh at myself and I try to serve up my life's events with a side of humor. I call it like it is though and don't mince words if something bothers me. I sure do hope you decide to poke around the old blog and if you like what you see you become a follower. Also being the youngest in my family I constantly need attention so leave me a comment or two for a sense of validation!

On to the Pregnancy update. First off here's an - Oh No He Didn't! moment from this week. It almost led to Joey losing his life in a gruesome and graphic way. My husband actually had the balls to say to me - "Hey! You're getting a little pudgy there!"

I considered 800 different ways to maim him and then responded with - "Umm. No honey - I would be looking a little PREGNANT since you know YOU knocked me up and all."

Now tell me at 12 weeks (WOO HOO! 6 Days to my second trimester!!!) which one of us is looking pudgy?




Uh huh, that's what I thought!

Next Wednesday I will be making the big reveal at work. We have a big meeting that everyone will be in and I have to speak as part of the presentation so I figure right before my part I will rip open my smock (stripper style) and show off my T-shirt that shares the news. Yea, I'm subtle like that!

Now on to 5QF -

My Little Life

Mama M over at My Little Life hosts 5QF so go visit her and join in the fun!

1. What were your school colors?
Red and White for the high school I spent most of my time at. Our mascot was also the Fighting Sandcrab - what that doesn't strike fear in your hearts? I am so disappointed! My second high school's colors were Blue and White (I think) and it shared a mascot (The Knight) with my college whose colors were black and gold so technically our mascot was the Golden Knight.

2. What's the best compliment you ever received?
Oh shoot - I can't remember. The ones I appreciate the most are when dh thanks me for everything i do and the ways I support him. That is the most meaningful.

3. Do you buy cheap or expensive toilet paper?
Depends on the status of my checking account. I never buy the super cheap stuff though since there is nothing grosser than the tp falling apart on you while you are using it.

4. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? Or have you had one for someone else?
I've never had one thrown for me but we recently threw one for my dad. I think we had one for my sister when she was a teenager too. Damn pregnancy brain. Can't remember. (Jellybean! Quit stealing my brain cells and make your own!)

5. What is one material possession that you "can't live without"?
My phone. I love texting with my sister, my morning phone call with my dad then my mom and just being able to connect when I need it. The random love you text from the hubby is nice too. Phones = love when you need a quick dose! 


Texting Thursday

I don't know about you guys but I usually end up having at least one good texting exchange over the course of the week. I have probably mentioned this before but I come from a family that eats, sleeps, and drinks sarcasm so when my sister and I get going - you better watch out! This inspired me to start a new meme - Texting Thursday!

 Every week I will post an amusing, touching, or make you pee your pants in laughter exchange that I have had over the course of that week and I invite you to do the same. I'll be adding the code for the button to my sidebar so you can grab it if you'd like! Now without further ado - here's this week's winning "conversation"

K:      Good morning sista! Hope you have a good day! Love you!
Me:   Same to you! Hope you get some sleep! Love u 2! (Her thyroid has been acting up so she barely slept yesterday)
K:      Thanks! Me too! I'm looking pretty scary this morning!
Me:   Are you sure that's just this morning? ;)
K:     Well aren't we sassy this morning? Better be careful jellybean's already learning from you! :)
Me:   I know. that's why I'm making sure my zingers are good ones!
K:     Can't wait til you get it back tenfold!
Me:   At least its not fortyfold like with your 4!
K:     I was perfect so that's why my kids are so well-behaved. They just have some of S's antics int their blood...but mixed with my pure innocent blood it really dilutes it! :)
Me:   Responding....wait no still laughing...resp..ha. Can't stop laughing!
K:     What's so funny???????? ;)
Me:   Can't answer. Still laughing my ass off.
K:     Lol! You're bouncing jellybean all around in there!
Me:   Gymnastics practice!
K:     :)
Me:   Dominique Moceanu's rents have notning on me. They waited til she was 6 mos old to start training. Me - in utero.
Me:   Well, Jellybean has to pay me back for daycare somehow!
K:      Yep with antics, tantrums, demands mixed in with suggles, hugs, kisses & laughs!
Me:    No endorsement deal though?
K:      Probably not the best route to take..you don't want jellybean to get a big head....especially since big heads run in our family......:)   (I was one of those disproportionate kids w/a huge head and little body!)
Me:    What are you implying there sista?
K:       Ummm...nothing? :)
Me:     Uh huh. Do I need to disown you again? I haven't yet this week.
K:       You haven't? Wow we must not have talked much this week!
Me:     I know. Ah, the good ole days!
K:       I'll make up for lost time soon!
Me:    Sounds like a deal!

I swear to you that entire exchange actually took place! Can't wait to read what some of you have been saying this week!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ICLW - My story

First off - If you are visiting from ICLW - Welcome and thank you for stopping by!

Now on to my story. I can honestly say I never expected to be writing this note just shy of 12 weeks pregnant. I stopped birth control in July of 2008 and waited...and waited. In April of 09 I had a humongous cyst that luckily resolved on its own - but in the process I also made the decision to switch to a different Ob/Gyn after not getting the level of service I felt I should. (Best choice I ever made!) In July of 09 I made my first visit to an RE (worst decision I made as far as RE's go), we went through all of the usual testing and everything came back clear. I tried a cycle of Femara - which didn't work for me at all. I had a 45 day cycle and didn't ovulate until CD 30 followed by a cycle of only 25 mg of Clomid and a trigger shot which was also a bust. After spending all of that money at the RE with poor results and realizing that I kept getting pushed into more invasive procedures without exhausting our less invasive and expensive options, I decided to take a break in medicated cycles from Dec 09-Feb 10.

In February of 2010, I had my Ob/Gyn start me back on Clomid. I did two cycles at 50mg without success. In there my father was also hospitalized for over a week and spent 5 days in the ICU - that may have had something to do with that cycle not working. I started to get really discouraged and searched out a new RE. I made an appt with that RE for May 25 and in the meantime my amazing doctor bumped me up to 100mg. I was convinced our cycle hadn't worked again and was preparing myself for possibly doing an IUI or ultimately IVF.

On our trip to pick up my stepson in Mississippi I had heartburn the entire way there. Completely out of the ordinary for me but I didn't think too much of it. Upon returning home and realizing I had my appointment coming up that Wednesday I decided to take a home pregnancy test that Monday night. To my utter shock - two lines actually showed up! I was in such disbelief I made Joey look at it too and then swore him to secrecy! After a digital and blood test confirmed it - I decided the test may just be right.

I am now navigating the fun and interesting world of pregnancy. Highlights so far have included puking up my entire dinner in the Chili's parking lot, watching my boobs get ginormous, and of course the NT scan. For those of you still struggling with IF - I feel for you and pray each and every one of you sees that BFP. For those of you who are preggo with me - oh what an adventure it is! And to those that are now parenting after infertility - I can't wait to join your ranks!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pregnancy Update (with u/s pics!!) and 5 Question Friday

One of my awesome readers - Tylaine - asked for an update on my pregnancy and I have really left you guys hanging this week. I'm sorry for that. It seems to take every ounce of my energy to just get home and muddle through some chores before I pass out. I hear two more weeks and my energy is supposed to make a valiant return! I sure hope so.

This was a big week as far as appointments go - I had an ob appt on Tuesday and then my NT scan on Wednesday - which happened to be Joey's 32nd birthday too! The ob appointment went great. I'm up 5 lbs and got to hear Jellybean's hb which was right at 160 bpm. I also scored free prenatals for the rest of my pregnancy since I let them know the copay was $50 a month on the brand I liked. The NT Scan was awesome. First off let me start with - I WAS RIGHT!!! I said all along that my due date was 2/3/2011 and guess what they determined it to be - yup 2/3/2011. Seeing as I was there when I ovulated I'm glad that someone finally determined that I was right. Joey went with me to the scan and I think he's thrilled that he did. You should have seen his face light up when baby popped up on the screen and he got to hear the heartbeat (161 bpm). Jellybean actually looks like a baby now and not a Jellybean anymore. Baby is 4.3cm and was moving like crazy. I decided that Jellybean is a gymnast already since we saw stretching, hopping and all sorts of action! It's going to be fun in a few months when I can actually feel it! The nuchal fold looked fine and I haven't gotten any phone calls about my bloodwork so I'm guessing we have been able to pretty much rule out Down Syndrom and Trisomy.
 That's a little foot kicked out on this one!
Steadily growing away!
Baby Legs!

My symptoms still come and go. I battle morning sickness at times, my gums have started bleeding a little when I brush, I wake up to pee during the night and then fight insomnia and I sleep very lightly anyhow. As I mentioned above I'm still fighting fatigue like crazy. I'm also still dealing with a dog that won't stop pooping in the house. Grrr. Lovely to be cleaning up while having morning sickness!

Joey has been trying to help me out more around the house. It's a little hit or miss though. Last night he attempted to make dinner. He mistakenly added egg to the beer batter for the fish he was frying. Its really my fault since I gave him instructions on how to make the fish using flour and cornmeal which did include egg and then I found the beer batter so I told him to use that instead and just add water since we didn't have beer. Well adding the egg made the beer batter super oily - which meant the batter just separated and we ended up with oily fish. All of the batter was in the bottom of the pan!
 Oily Fish
All the batter...

I declined on eating the oily fish since I discovered last week that Jellybean is not a fan of oily things. I reheated some leftovers from Joey's birthday dinner instead - soft shell crab. AMAZING! Nethertheless, I appreciate the effort.

I'm expanding like crazy and find it funny to watch my body change. One of the sports bra's I bought earlier this week is too small - which is a rare occurence for me so I have to go exchange it. I'm a little scared to see how big the girls end up getting since they are huge already at 11 weeks. The belly freaks me out once in awhile too. Like when I was showering this morning and looked down and thought - HOLY **** WHERE THE **** DID THIS STOMACH COME FROM? Then my sleep fog lifted and I remembered - oh yeah, I'm pregnant! I'm also down to one pair of jeans that I can actually button. It's hard for me since I'm too small for maternity clothes but to big for my clothes. We're going to hit up some thrift stores tomorrow and see if we can find clothing which will fit me for a bit until I can move into actual maternity clothes. I'm still super excited for everything to come and wake up with a smile every morning.

Next up - O/B appt on 8/10 and GENDER/ANATOMY SCAN 8/18!!!

On a lighter note -

My Little Life

Mama M over at My Little Life hosts 5QF so go visit her and join in the fun!

1. Do you collect anything?
Not anymore. I went through phases of collecting stuffed animals, stamps, etc. Now I'm just too darn cluttered to add anything to it.

2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.

Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing
Julia Stiles - in pretty much every movie she has ever made
Chad Michael Murray - even though he's supposedly kind of an a$$****

3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?

One on my knee where I dropped a glass ligh cover on it. One on my nose from scorching my face at the Daytona 500. One on my forehead from where I tried ice skating...in sneakers...at 4 years old. Didn't work out to great for me!

4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird?

Bread with butter, salt, pepper and scallions. Also like blood sausage - its a Polish thing.

5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?

Sure have - we get some good ones here especially during hurricanes and tropical storms. Water spouts are even neater to watch!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pour Your Heart Out - How old are we now?

Shell over at Things I Can't Say hosts - Pour Your Heart Out.

Click over to her to read the Rules.

So as I mentioned here, my ten year high school reunion is coming up. The organizers did finally come to their senses and offer per event pricing. With the dinner being $60 a person that is still out of my price range with a baby on the way so I decided that we wouldn't be going. My decision was reaffirmed when I received an event invitation on Monday night to the "after-party."

Here is the actual invite (with names and addresses deleted of course!):

The party never stops during the Class of 2000 Reunion Weekend!

After the Prom Dinner/Dance at Daytona Beach Resort, come to the ***** House in Ormond for the after party on Saturday, July 31st.

The Prom doesn't end until 11, but the hosts will open their home at 9:30pm for the early birds. And don't worry, the party won't stop until the sun comes up!

Beer will be provided and there will be drinking games + a whole lot of ***** Rager fun! The ***** are asking for a $10 donation to help cover the costs of hosting this awesome party.

The party is open to everyone - that means Class of 2000, their friends, family, whoever feels like coming by for a good time. Hope to see everyone there! All the relevant info is below. If you have any questions, please FB message me.

WHAT: After-Prom Party at the *****
WHEN: Saturday, July 31st, 9:30pm-whenever
WHERE: ***************, Ormond Beach
WHY: Because ***** Ragers are legend.

I promise you - I am not making this up. I was actually invited to a rager with the promise of drinking games. At 27 years old, married, with a baby on the way. This is where I would ask "Seriously, are we still in high school?" but apparently some people have been waiting the past ten years to be in high school again. I will gladly pass on drinking beer, playing quarters and passing out on someone's floor. The sad part is this is pretty typical for my high school. A large portion of those that attended end up staying in town, partying, etc. Hearing about someone overdosing is common. I managed to avoid most of that in high school thanks to my dedication to gymnastics. Partying on Friday night just didn't sound appealing when you had an 8am practice on Saturday morning. 10 years later - it still doesn't sound very appealing when you will be 3.5 months preggo at that point and the smell of beer makes you want to hurl.

So, anyone want to go in my place and just report back all the juicy bits?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Houston - We Have a Problem!

I've been noticing over the past week that my clothes were starting to feel a little tight on me. Nothing outrageous but you know a little uncomfortable. I've gained around 3 or 4 pounds so far which is right on track for the first trimester. That is in spite of the fact that Jellybean let me know quite distinctly that one of my favorite Polish meals (Fried Kielbasa with Onions) is not one that s/he enjoys. Saturday night ended with me hugging the toilet while begging Joey to bring me some ginger ale. Darn kid is going to have to start embracing its heritage at some point!

So onto my problem. Well, let's start with my belly shot from last Friday. (Please ignore the humidity hair and the fact that Blue feels a need to get in every picture I take. Yes, that is his tail in that shot.)

So - not too drastic of a change but I was starting to get a bump going there. I figured another week or so before I really started to notice.

Ha! If only that were true! This is how I've been wearing my pants all day today at work -

Thank goodness for the fact that they keep my office freezing cold so I can get away with wearing a hoodie all day too or my secret would most definitely be revealed! I guess it's time to break down and do some shopping for clothes that actually fit me. I'm guessing my boobs are getting tired of being smooshed into too small bras too! I have an appointment tomorrow with my OB and then my NT scan on Wednesday which should help alleviate some of my unfounded worries after spending too much time on the internet over the weekend. I now have fears of missed miscarriages and countless defects running through my head. I must learn to step away from Dr. Google. Nothing good can come of it!

As a final note - for those of you who remember my dad's situation - can I ask you to throw a prayer up for him? We found out that his appeal for financial assistance is still under review and if it is approved he can finally start to get the quality of care he really needs. Please if you are the praying sort add him to your list for tonight!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Five Question Friday

This 5QF is brought to you by the killer migraine I woke up with this morning, the return of morning sickness, the number 14 and the letter N! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

My Little Life

Mama M over at My Little Life hosts 5QF so go visit her and join in the fun!

1. What is one food you could eat everyday?

Garlic bread - It's my go to food when I can't decide what it is I want.

2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18?

Heck no, at 18 I just knew I was going to be a prizewinning journalist for either Rolling Stone or Blender. Instead - I write marketing blurbs about cheesecakes and brownies.

3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?

I wish I had been more involved with sports at the school level. I did gymnastics but that was a club sport and I think I would have gotten more out of school had I been more involved.

4. What color are your kitchen walls?

Oh crap. I think they are the same tan color as my other walls. Honestly - I never noticed.

5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?

Debbie Gibson - Red Hot

You can quit laughing now. It's not nice. :)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pour Your Heart Out - Letting People Go

Shell over at Things I Can't Say hosts - Pour Your Heart Out.

Click over to her to read the Rules.
Sorry for how late I am in posting this. Its been one of THOSE days! I've had this post in my head for days now and I really need to get it out!

So, letting people go. No, I'm not talking about that in the if you love them they will come back to you sense. I am talking about those toxic people that you have given countless chances to until one day you realize enough is enough. For me it usually takes getting to that point where I know they have done something that I just won't be able to forgive. NO MATTER WHAT! I recently had one of those situations occur and I have really spent some time thinking about it. I kept hoping that if enough time passed my heart would soften and I would be able to look past the hateful things this person said. Then I realized that even if said person was on their death bed begging for forgiveness I still couldn't do it. That's how much it hurt me.

There were quite a few things that made the situation difficult for me. The first was the hypocrisy of it. There was a lot of the pot calling the kettle black but this person would never see it. Not to mention there was a sense of superiority and favoritism. Neither which I would like. I was also being made to feel as if my strength and refusal to bend my morals in order to satisfy another was a weakness. I'm not kidding you! I was raised to have strong convictions and know what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. I don't believe that just because it's family you can excuse someone's behavior. I also feel as if you are doing a huge disservice to your loved ones if you just turn a blind eye or let them stay in a potentially dangerous situation. That is why children are raised in negative environments and end up repeating the same mistakes they witnessed. I'll never be okay with any of that. (Sorry - off on a tangent there! Pregnancy brain!)

So anyhow, the part that strikes me the hardest about all this is that these type of people are usually the ones that consider themselves to be the "good Christians". They are constantly praying for someone and "blessing your heart." I don't make any claims to go to church every Sunday or that I'm a bible thumper. I'm a Christian and I strive to do what is right. I know that to be a "Good Christian" you can't just talk the talk - you have to walk the walk too. I don't think God ever stood for hypocrisy and encouraging weakness. I would hope that he could support my decision and now that I chose what was best for me and my family.

Wordless Wednesday - Upside Down Dog

Monday, July 5, 2010

Not Me Monday!

Mckmama- Not Me Monday 

Goodness Gracious! It has been ages since I've participated in a Not Me! Monday - and that isn't because I have suddenly become perfect at everything I do and no longer have Not Me! moments. It may have to do with the fact that I am now tired 23 hours out of the day and usually come come and fall into the couch with the hopes of never moving again and end up painfully neglecting my blog and all my wonderful readers. So without further ado - here's a few of my Not Me's!

My post is Not lacking pictures of our wonderful fourth of July activities because I would never forget to bring my camera even thought it was sitting right next to my purse. I would also never blame it on pregnancy brain which has Not become my new excuse for everything.

I made sure that everything I served my guests was homemade boxed or storebought yesterday just as they have come to expect. That means we had dinosaur shaped mac n cheese (leftover from when my stepson was here), a mushroom cavatelli pasta (Thank You Target Clearance!), Bush's baked beans and canned peaches. Our only homemade choices were the ribs, hot dogs and corn. Even the dessert was frozen cheesecake! I would never take the easy way out when entertaining!

I was also not offended earlier this week when my cat chose to sleep on my husbands pillow rather than mine. I am much more mature then that. I also did not make it a point to say that his dog curled up by me and stayed there the whole night!

So, what did you NOT do?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Hangover

I got you with that title, didn't I? I bet you were about to go all "Oh! I know she didn't!" on me! Don't worry Jellybean has not been exposed to any alcohol unless you are counting the witch hazel I use as an astringent! If I can't handle the smell of coffee, I sure as heck wouldn't be able to handle alcohol and we know what I went through to get knocked up. There is no way I am jeopardizing it.

I have just finally figured out what the first trimester of pregnancy is like. I can't believe it took me this long to make the correlation. I mean I experienced it on a regular basis for oh, let's say the first 3 years of college, give or take a year! The pounding headaches, never ending fatigue, extreme hunger and nausea - it's like a never ending hangover! Now I know what all that partying in my undergrad years was for. I can now just safely say that I was in training for the first three months of pregnancy. I no longer need to be ashamed to admit that I would make Hunch Punch so strong my male roommates would beg me to add juice to it, that I was the one who discovered how to make Jell-o shots with out any water in them whatsoever (see the secret is you heat up the rum to get the Jell-o to dissolve, add your cold water and then stick those babies in the freezer), or the dancing on top of bars.

Woops, guess that last one had nothing to do with preparing for pregnancy but it was fun at the time. But really I now find myself craving pizza or greasy diner food at 3am while begging for saltines and Gatorade the next morning - it's like deja vu but for a completely different reason!

I have a feeling those hangover days are long behind me, luckily I became a lightweight years ago and one daiquiri is known to give me a buzz now. Jellybean will probably never believe that his or her mom ever had those wild and crazy days just like I didn't believe that my parents did. I mean parents are OLD - they didn't have lives and there is no way they were ever cool! I'm okay with Jellybean thinking that. Hopefully my friends won't ever reveal the truth on those innocent virgin ears. (I can just imagine it now - "I remember the time we went to Ybor to celebrate your mom's 20th birthday and we bought Jell-o shots for her all night." "Hey mom- Isn't 21 the drinking age?" "Go to your room, Jellybean. Go to your room!") Luckily, most of my friends are finally joining the old and married ranks with me so when the time comes that they add to their families I'll have plenty of stories about them too. Speaking of married - quick sidebar here - Congrats to one of my dearest friends from college - Scott on his engagement to the lovely Krystal! I am so very thrilled for the two of you and wish you the happiest marriage you can dream of. 

Back to my story here - sorry, pregnancy brain, easily distracted! So tomorrow will be the beginning of week ten, the end of Jellybean being an embryo. That's right, this little dude/dudette is growing like a weed and will have achieved fetus status in 8 days. I think, we should get shirts with badges on them as baby grows that you can wear proudly like they award you in video games. I mean who doesn't want a "Lost my tail!" award or "Developed Kidneys!" I would proudly wear a "Fetus!" shirt! I'm actually considering wearing a shirt that says "Knocked Up!"  to make the announcement at work.

Tacky? Oh yes! But right up there with my sick sense of humor. Of course I don't have a belly bump like that chick does. Mine's more of a baby roll or perhaps a hiccup -
 Does anyone see something? Anything? Bueller? Bueller? Didn't think so.. Sigh..Off to drown my sorrows in some General Tso's chicken. Then I can brag about my chinese food bump at least!


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